In-Kind Donations

KLF is seeking a wide range of in kind donations:

All in-kind and cash donations are tax-deductible! If you would like to donate one of the items below, please contact Shiyana Valentine at or 925-699-9754.

Frequent Flyer Miles

Since KLF operates programs in a variety of places from the Eastern Caribbean to Florida and California, we do a lot of flying! Unfortunately the cost of flights seems to be going up, so we find that frequent flyer miles are the most economical way for us to travel. Your donated miles will help ease the cost of flying our program staff, at-risk youths and volunteers to various locations.

Thanks to a donation of 150,000 miles from Brad Johnson, 20,000 miles from Ron Brockhoff and 150,000 miles from Adonal Foyle, KLF is able to bring 7 kids and a chaperone from St. Vincent & the Grenadines to California for a 3 week learning tour in 2012!

Prizes at our events

Promote your company and support KLF by donating auction items, raffle prizes, gift bag inserts, etc. for our fundraising events! Items under $150 in value will be used as raffle prizes. Items over $150 will be used as auction items for our silent auction. Gift bag donations should be a minimum of 100 items to ensure each attending KLF attendee receives a gift.

Donate PR & Marketing Services

KLF is need of serious public relations & marketing support – from assisting with writing & disseminating press releases to promoting our events & programs.

Donate Ad space – print, billboards, online, radio, tv

If you have airtime, billboards, space in your print materials that you are willing to donate for KLF’s marketing campaigns, we will gratefully accept them!

Donate children’s books & study aids

Every program that KLF designs includes sending participating kids home with books, so we could really use your donations of children’s books (fiction and non-fiction). In addition we strive to give our older kids access to SAT preparation books and other study guides to help them prepare themselves for applying to college. If you are interested, we can also provide you with a wish-list of book & study aid book titles.

Donate Learning aids: laptops, iPads, Kindles, etc.

In this day and age, KLF believes that every child must become computer savvy in order to achieve success. For at-risk youths, access to laptops and other electronic aids such as iPads and Kindles is virtually unheard of, and KLF is trying to equip our kids with a laptop or other useful learning device. Our kids in the Caribbean are especially isolated and these devices help us to communicate with them, monitor their work and even send them new books to read.

Donate Youth Learning incentives: field trips, goodies, meals, etc

KLF is on the hunt for cool youth-oriented prizes, field trips, dining experiences, etc. to reward our kids for their hard work.

Donate basketball shoes & sneakers

KLF’s All-Star Student-Athletes are ferocious on the court and they would greatly benefit from your donation of new or lightly used basketball shoes and general-purpose sneakers.

All in-kind and cash donations are tax-deductible! If you would like to donate one of the items above, please contact Shiyana Valentine at or 925-699-9754.